CHAIN: Journal of Computer Technology, Computer Engineering, and Informatics Jurnal; Jurnal Ilmiah; Informatika; Ilmu Komputer; Ilkom; Informatics; Computer Science; Data Science; Sistem Informasi; PT. Tech Cart Press en-US CHAIN: Journal of Computer Technology, Computer Engineering, and Informatics 2964-2450 Pemilihan Aplikasi E-Commerce untuk Pengembangan Bisnis Virtual Menggunakan Metode VIKOR dan Rank Sum <p>Choosing an e-commerce application is an important process for businesses to ensure that the chosen platform can optimally support their operational needs and marketing strategies. Choosing the right e-commerce app will help businesses improve operational efficiency, expand market reach, and increase customer satisfaction, all of which contribute to long-term success. The main issues in the selection of e-commerce applications are often related to the suitability of features, cost, and system integration. The combination of the VIKOR and Rank Sum methods in MCDM can provide a more objective and comprehensive solution. The Rank Sum method is used to give weight to each criterion based on the existing ranking, while VIKOR helps to select the best alternative based on the evaluation of compromises between alternatives. This combination approach provides an advantage in dealing with problems involving many alternatives and complex criteria, with more detailed and fair solutions. The ranking results using the VIKOR method show that the E-Commerce Application 2 is the best alternative with a VIKOR index value of 0, which means that this application is the closest to the ideal solution and has the best performance in meeting the predetermined criteria. In second place, there is the E-Commerce Application 1 with a VIKOR index value of 0.69, which shows that although it is not as optimal as the E-Commerce 2 Application, this application is still an excellent choice based on the evaluation criteria. The E-Commerce 4 app came in third with a score of 0.934, slightly worse compared to the previous app, but still in the acceptable category.</p> Permata Permata Copyright (c) 2024 Permata 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 2 4 150 160 10.58602/chain.v2i4.148 Penerapan Metode Grey Relational Analysis dan Rank Order Centroid dalam Pemilihan Travel Agent <p>Choosing a travel agent is an important process for individuals or organizations in determining a travel service provider that can meet their needs with the best quality and competitive prices. Choosing a travel agent is a decision that affects the overall travel experience, whether for business or leisure. In this process, potential customers often face challenges in determining the best travel agent among the many options available. In addition, the presence of subjective reviews from other users and promotional ads that highlight certain advantages often add to the complexity of decision-making. In the face of the many options available, it is important to conduct an objective evaluation so that the decision taken is not only about cost, but also about the quality of service and the reputation of the service provider. The purpose of this study is to apply the Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Rank Order Centroid (ROC) methods in the process of selecting the best travel agent to provide recommendations for decision-makers in choosing the best travel agent based on the results of a comprehensive analysis, which integrates both weighting and analysis methods. The results of alternative ranking using a combination of ROC and GRA Agent G occupy the highest position with a value of 0.2525, showing the best performance compared to other alternatives. The second and third positions were filled by Agent A and Agent C, with values of 0.2013 and 0.1914, respectively, which also displayed significant performance.</p> Yuri Rahmanto Copyright (c) 2024 Yuri Rahmanto 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 2 4 161 170 10.58602/chain.v2i4.149 Optimalisasi Sistem Manajemen Persediaan untuk Pengendalian Stok yang Efisien Menggunakan Metode FIFO <p>Inventory of goods is a number of materials or products stored by a company to support its business operations. This inventory can be in the form of raw materials, semi-finished goods, or finished goods that are ready to be sold to customers. Too much inventory can lead to high storage costs and the risk of goods becoming obsolete, while too little inventory can lead to production disruptions or lost sales opportunities. This research aims to optimize the inventory management system to achieve efficient stock control by applying the FIFO method, this research is expected to contribute to improving better inventory management, reducing losses, and supporting smarter decision-making in controlling stock of goods. The results of the test conducted using the Delone and McLean model, the Inventory Management System Optimization system with the FIFO Method obtained an excellent overall score. The 100% results for the System Quality, Usage, and Net Impact dimensions, show that this system is very effective, efficient, and has a positive impact on inventory management. However, there are areas that can be improved in Information Quality, Service Quality, and User Satisfaction, with scores of 80% each. This shows that while the tests show positive results, there is still some room for improvement in the presentation of information, technical support, and user interface to improve the overall experience.</p> Fikri Hamidy Copyright (c) 2024 Fikri Hamidy 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 2 4 171 180 10.58602/chain.v2i4.150 Integrating Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria in Multi-Attribute Utility Theory for Employee Admissions Decision Making <p>Effective employee onboarding is essential for the success of an organization because it can ensure that the company acquires quality human resources that are in line with the needs and culture of the company. Careful employee recruitment based on objective evaluation is key in creating a competent team and supporting the achievement of the company's goals. Problems in employee recruitment often arise due to a lack of an objective and transparent selection process, which can lead to improper selection of candidates. One of the main challenges is the presence of errors in judgment, which reduces the diversity and quality of the team formed. The purpose of the study is to combine the principles of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) with method based on the removal effects of criteria (MEREC) to improve the decision-making process in employee recruitment which can improve objectivity, accuracy, and efficiency in the recruitment process, as well as reduce possible errors in the assessment of candidates. The results of the employee acceptance ranking using a combination of MEREC and MAUT were obtained by Clara Wijaya occupying the first position with the highest score of 0.7606, followed by Farah Ramadhani with a score of 0.7525. The third position was filled by Andi Santoso with a score of 0.4874. These ratings provide an overview of each individual's performance or eligibility based on a specific assessment.</p> Setiawansyah Setiawansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Setiawansyah 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 2 4 181 192 10.58602/chain.v2i4.151 Rancang Bangun Sistem Booking Online Wedding Organizer Berbasis Mobile <p>Rancang bangun sistem booking online wedding organizer bertujuan untuk mempermudah pasangan pengantin dalam merencanakan pernikahan dengan menyediakan platform yang efisien dan terorganisir. Melalui sistem booking online, pasangan pengantin dapat mengakses informasi mengenai layanan yang tersedia, memilih paket yang sesuai dengan anggaran dan preferensi, serta melakukan pemesanan tanpa perlu bertatap muka langsung dengan pihak wedding organizer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem booking online wedding organizer berbasis mobile yang dapat mempermudah pasangan pengantin dalam merencanakan dan mengelola acara pernikahan mereka dengan lebih efisien. Hasil pengujian sistem menggunakan metode Blackbox Testing, aplikasi booking online wedding organizer berbasis mobile memperoleh nilai 100%, yang menunjukkan bahwa seluruh fitur utama berfungsi dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan. Setiap skenario pengujian, mulai dari registrasi pengguna, pencarian paket, pemesanan, pembayaran, hingga pengelolaan pemesanan oleh admin, berhasil dieksekusi tanpa kendala. Aplikasi juga mampu menangani input yang valid dan tidak valid dengan tepat, serta memberikan umpan balik yang sesuai kepada pengguna. Pengujian ini membuktikan bahwa aplikasi siap untuk diluncurkan dengan performa optimal, memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang lancar dan memuaskan.</p> Dwi Handoko Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Handoko 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 2 4 193 202 10.58602/chain.v2i4.152