IT Personnel Recruitment Decision Support System: Combination of TOPSIS and Entropy Weighting Methods

  • Setiawansyah Setiawansyah Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Keywords: Candidate, Decision Support System, Entropy, Recruitment, TOPSIS


IT personnel recruitment is an important process that aims to get the best talent in the field of information technology to support operations and innovation in an organization. IT personnel recruitment faces several key challenges that often make it difficult for companies to find the right candidates. One of the main problems is that the recruitment process can also be constrained by difficulties in assessing a candidate's cultural and interpersonal fit, where high technical skills are not necessarily balanced by good communication and teamwork skills. The purpose of this study is to apply DSS that integrates the TOPSIS and entropy weighting methods in the IT recruitment process, so that it can help companies select the best candidates effectively and objectively. The system is designed to improve the accuracy of candidate identification through multi-criteria analysis. An IT personnel recruitment decision support system that combines TOPSIS and entropy methods is an innovative approach designed to increase effectiveness in selecting the best candidates based on relevant criteria. The results of Candidate G ranking were ranked highest with a score of 0.932, followed by Candidate A with a score of 0.7069, Candidate C with a score of 0.645, and Candidate E with a score of 0.6443. Furthermore, Candidate I in the middle position with a score of 0.5023, followed by Candidate D with a score of 0.3417. Candidate B and Candidate H are in a lower position with values of 0.2188 and 0.1817, respectively. Candidate F ranked at the bottom with a score of 0.0519.


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How to Cite
Setiawansyah, S. (2024). IT Personnel Recruitment Decision Support System: Combination of TOPSIS and Entropy Weighting Methods. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology Information, 2(3), 118-130.